The Career Handbook For Older Job Seekers

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Handbook

The only requirement for surviving as an older, experienced worker is to have an open mind at all times and the willingness to persist. Despite what many would like you to believe, opportunities for older, experienced people are even more in this knowledge economy than any time ever before. Whyyou might ask. To put it simply, there are just so many opportunities and free resources to reskill, re-learn, update and explore newer carrer niches. That is the gift of the internet for you, folks.

[From the 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual. ]

Here is a simple list of 75 links and tips for older workers.

Basics of Career Management for exprienced people
Keep up-to-date with technology: In your field as well using latest internet tools.
Use technology: Learning about new technology in your field (via the internet or elsewhere) is one thing, seeing first-hand is another.
Take some classes: On anything that might help boost your career prospects - industry-related, internet-related, or an MBA. MBA for experienced people is a very good thing.
Pay cuts are not a bad thing: As long you are able to show what you got in your field. You might also want to assess your benefits (healthcare, reirement etc.)
Sell your track record: Convince future employers on what you have to offer to their business.
Don't lie: Neither about age nor experience.
Work hard: Never let go of any opportunity to prove your worthiness (longer working hours, volunteering for projects...)
But enjoy work.

Best Online Guides For Older Workers
Work Your Transferable Skills
A guide to Transferable Job Skills
Jobs For Grown-Ups
The Top 5 Things to Consider When Looking for a New Job
A Sample Career Change Lette from Monster
How to write your resume so that you emphasise your new career goals
Here’s How Self-Employed People Can Prepare for an Interview
Guide on Age discrimination
Biggest myths that surround older workers
Interview Tips for Older Job Seekers
Job Search Tips for Older Workers
40 Tips for Job Seekers Over 40
How to Make Age an Asset When Job Searching

Best Online Career Tools for Older Workers

Job sites
Senior Job Bank
Simply Hired 50+
Jobs 4.0

Organizations and Help for Older Workers
AARP Work - American Association of Retired Professionals
Experience Works
Senior Service America

Use Social Media
LinkedIn - set up your professional profile first over here

Use Wikipedia to learn new things
Use MIT Open courseware project for free course material in your indsutry

Job Hunt for Older Workers: A checklist
Your connections
Former employers.
Joining professional associations.
Another industry.
Different (or smaller) title.
Employers that use older employees.
Start your own business.

Resume Tips for Older Workers: A checklist
If you were the employer: Would you hire you?
Focus on the last 10 years' experience.
Summarize experince before that.
Focus on your knowledge (ins & outs) of the industry.
Highlight your record of learning new things about your industry: Classes, short-term courses etc.
Be aware of new resume trends, technology in your industry, etc.

Interview tips for older workers

Treat younger interviewers as you would anyone who is interested in hiring you.
Make it clear in the interview that you have no problem deferring to younger authority, that completing the job is more important.
Do everything you can to make the best impression: It starts with knowing the top issues in your industry.
Show them you can work with the new technology: Show your enthusiasm.
Show how your experience in the industry will be a great asset for the employere.
Try to steer the interview towards areas where you are particularly strong.
Sugarcoat (or Spin, as PR people call it) your negative characteristics into something that isn't so bad after all. If that fails, deflect.
Whever you feel a question is hinting at age discrimination, find a polite way to answer or move on to the next question.

Related Useful Career Handbooks:
The Green Business and Career Handbook
The Online Career Handbook
The Online Job Hunter's Handbook: 350+ Websites to find a job in any industry
The Unemployed Person's Handbook: 100+ things to do if you are ever unemployed for any reason


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