The Success Manual: Encyclopedia of advice

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Book summaries free, Book summaries online, Book summaries for business students

This summary is from The Success Manual, The Encyclopedia of Advice. A list of all the articles in the series on one page can be accessed here.
You will also want to read 100 ways to be remarkable,  articles from The Success Manual.

The idea behind The Sucess Manual is simple: you do not need expensive business sources and books to excel at work and in life. Read about this idea here.

As you already know, The Success Manual contains concise summaries from 100+ greatest business books, But it doesn't stop with this. In it, you will also find pithy advice on 130 topics fro great people in their respective fields.

A brief look at the people whose advivce who will find inside. There are 3000+ quotes in The Success Manual.

The Gurus

Business Advice from

1. Peter Drucker: The man who gave birth to the study of business management.
2. Tom Peters: Wrote the seminal book "In Search of Excellence".
3. Robert Maxwell: The essential writer on leadership.
4. Seth Godin: Marketer, writer of smart books on marketing and promotion.
5. Warren Buffet: Legendary investor from Omaha, enough said.
6. Peter Lynch: Legendary Mutual fund manager.
7. Guy Kawasaki: Smart marketer and promoter.

and many many more!

Writing Advice from
8. Ernest Hemingway:
One of the greatest writers of all time.
9. George Orwell: He wrote two of the seminal books of modern times "1984" and "Animal Farm".
10. Elmore Leonard: Writes stylish and smart crime books.
11. Kurt Vonnegut: Cult American writer of satire and science fiction.

and many more famous writers!

Self Help Advice from
12. Dale Carnegie:
Writer of "How to make friends and influence people", one of the seminal self-help books.
13. Deepak Chopra: Famous "new age" thinking guru.
14. Napoleon Hill: Another pioneering self-help writer.

and almost all the top self-help gurus!

Personal Wisdom from
15. Bertrand Russell:
All time great mathemetician cum co-nonsense writer.
16. Mahatma Gandhi: The man who inspired Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Mandela and all of us with his philosophy of non-violence and commitment to truth.
17. Thoreau: Who stressed upon leading a simple, reflective life.
and all the great names from human history!

A list of articles from The Success Manual, on one page can be accessed here. You can get The Success Manual here

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