Main ideas from The Lean: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Book summary, Health and nutrition

Kathy Freston's book on , known for her books on Vegan diets, has written one of those 'day/month' diet books, which are onloy useful if you follow them for at least an year or two.

The book also has lots of lists of what to eat, plus menus, recipes, shopping resources and other resources, as well as a recipe index.

Main ideas from the book:

The author is strongly anti-egg, anti-meat, anti-dairy, and even anti-fat. So, enter with caution. This book is also not useful to diabetics - this diet is low in protein. It does not focus on optimal blood sugar stabilization, making it challenging for those of us who need to watch our blood sugar.

Example diet plan from the 30-day diet idea:
Day One: water.
Day Two: Eat a big breakfast - a lot of fiber, and some carbs too.
Day Three: Eat an Apple
Day Four: Clean out the cupboards - get rid of cookies if you have them, puddings, mixes for desserts, things full of preservative.
Day Five: Add a handful of nuts - almonds, brazils...
Day Six: Trade out dairy and animal fats for plant based: mayo, milk, butter, find a non-animal based substitute.
Day Seven: Add flax
Day Eight: "DEEP DIVE" - learn to be in the moment, meditate for five minutes and eat mindfully to fill up consciously and not eat unconsciously and thus, unfulfilled.

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