On February 16, 2025 By tolstoy Topic: Internet and Websites, Advertising
While most blogs and websites thrash around wildly for advertising income, what with Google adsense not being the savior of online publishing as was claimed to be, excpt for the spammers, there are some lucky corners on the Net that command huge ad rates. Adage has the list. You will notice that Video commands a pemium rate.
Yahoo Home Page - $600000/day - the page gets 10 billion impressions/day
Hulu.com (Online TV) - $35 CPM
Daily Candy.com - Email shopping newsletters - $70 CPM for emails
AOL.com - $ 500000 - $800000 for home page takeover
Youtube .com- $400000/day , includes video ads
ABC.com Full TV episode player - $45 CPM
WSJ.com News Video - $75-100 CPM
CBS March Madness On demand TV- 70CPM
Web MD.com (health site) - $40-$60 CPM
MarthaStewart.com (Lifestyle) - $25 CPM
And then you have
Kim Kardasian Tweet Streeam - $10000 per tweet through Ad.ly - The lady has a huge Twiiter following, for no reason whatsover, many seem to be believing that she is popular, for what, no one knows, except that sex tape.