What is Social media Literacy and How does it Help us?

On February 16, 2025 By pramitsingh Topic: Actually Useful Technology Buyers Guide,

John Bell talks about Social Media Literacy, which means knowing how to use Social Media tools to bring about change. John writes about how NGOs, governments and induviduals can benefit from digital and social media literacy.

A list of five important applications of digital tools for general good:

1. Communications via a Social Graph: building a network of “socially useful friends.

2. Relevant Information On-Demand: getting and sharing relevant information when most needed.

3. Social Grassroots: Growing and activating support communities to change conditions and behaviors.

4. Collaborative Communities: Building global connections around affinities vs. political or geographic boundaries.

5. Spontaneous Innovation: Digital and social technologies combined to solve community problems.

Read more on Social media literacy here.

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