What Bar Codes on Your Driver’s License Reveal and Why It Matters

On February 16, 2025 By newsroom Topic: Automotive

Your driver’s license contains personal information in its bar codes, which can be scanned to access details about you. While these codes aim to provide convenience and security, concerns arise over privacy and misuse.

What’s on Your Driver’s License Bar Codes?

2D Bar Code (long edge)
- Stores the same information visible on the front:
- Name, address, height, weight, birth date, license number, and signature.
- Enables law enforcement and businesses to quickly verify your ID.

1D Bar Code (short edge)
- Its purpose is less clear and said to be for internal use by the New Jersey MVC (Motor Vehicle Commission).

Social Security Numbers?
- New Jersey does not include Social Security numbers in its bar codes for added privacy.

Who Uses This Information?

Law Enforcement: To verify identity and ensure the license is authentic.

Retailers: For returns or tracking “serial returners.” Stores like Target and Best Buy use scanners to create return profiles.

Pharmacies: Required by law to scan licenses for purchases of pseudoephedrine to prevent meth production.

Bars and Tobacco Shops: Verify age to comply with regulations.

Privacy Risks

Data Storage:
- Businesses may store information collected during scans.
- Example: Rite Aid admits to storing data but keeps its storage methods confidential.

Marketing and Misuse:
- The Driver Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) prohibits marketing from scanned data, but enforcement is unclear.
- Some states have banned data warehousing, but New Jersey hasn’t.

Identity Theft:
- A physical or scanned copy of your license contains enough personal information for identity thieves to exploit.

How to Protect Yourself

Be Informed:
- Ask why your license is needed and what will be done with the information.
- Refuse scanning unless necessary.

Be Vigilant:
- Pharmacies: Understand scans are legally required for certain products (e.g., pseudoephedrine).
- Returns: Be cautious with stores requiring scans.

Watch for Red Flags:
- Businesses that can’t clearly explain their need for scanning or their data security practices.

Opt for Viewing Only:
- Show your license but request they avoid scanning or photocopying it when it’s not mandatory.

Why Transparency Matters

Consumers deserve clear answers about:
- What information is being scanned.
- How that information is stored and secured.
- Who has access to it.

Refusing to disclose these details fuels mistrust and privacy concerns.

Bottom Line

Your driver’s license bar codes store sensitive data that, if mishandled, could lead to privacy breaches or identity theft. Stay informed, question why businesses need to scan your license, and exercise caution before handing it over.

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