Trump Win: How To Fight Back, Part 4 - Fight on

On November 12, 2016 By pramitsingh Topic: Trump-presidency

1. The Rumpus Writes, Do Not Look Away...We must stay informed, and we must take action.

2. EFF says, 'We will fight on, We’ll fight tomorrow.'

In 2017, we will fight for encryption, challenge the reckless deployment of state-sponsored malware, oppose mass surveillance of our digital communications, defend the freedom of the press, and prevent surveillance and censorship of social media. Attorneys will bring lawsuits, technologists will encrypt the web, and activists will organize, share, and engage. EFF will be there.

3. Jezebel has a list of “pro-women, pro-immigrant, pro-Earth, anti-bigotry organizations” to look into supporting in the wake of the Trump election, along with links to donation and volunteer sign-up pages. 

4. Micheal Moore has a list as well.

5. The “Oh Shit! What Should I Do Before January?” Guide, a crowdsourced set of tips started by Brooklyn performance artist Ariel Federow. Currently, the guide lives as an open Google Doc that you can contribute to.

6. Some more useful organizations and links:

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