The Superstar Salesman's Handbook: 150+ Greatest Tips on selling

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Book summary, Mba

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

1. Expertise: Selling skills; knowledge of the customer’s products, and industry, as well as your own.
2. Contribution: Ability to assist the customer in reaching their bottom-line goals and objectives.
3. Representation: Commitment to the customer’s interests; ability to provide objective advice, counsel, and assistance.
4. Trustworthiness: Honesty, reliability, consistency in actions, and overall ethics
5. Compatibility: Match between representative’s interaction styles and the personality traits of the customer. (5)
- Dr. Robert Peterson, business professor at the University of Portland

“Don’t cold call – ever… instead, make a warm call… try to get others to make a connection… four rules to warm calling: (1) convey credibility by mentioning a familiar person or institution, (2) state your value proposition how can I help you, (3) impart urgency and convenience by being prepared to do whatever it takes whenever it takes to meet the other person on his/her own terms, (4) be prepared to offer a compromise that secures a definite follow-up”
- Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz, Never Eat Alone

by Zig Ziglar

Five reasons people will not buy from you.
i. They feel they do not need what you are selling.
ii. They do not have any money.
iii. They are in no rush to buy.
iv. They do not want what you are selling.
v. They do not trust you.

Closigg Sales
1. Learn to use a voice recorder to hear your own voice and critique your on sales presentation. This is very critical.
2. When you talk and listen to the sound of your worn voice, the primary source of sound is coming through vibrations of the bone. When you make a recording and listen to it, the sound comes into your eardrums through the air.
3. When some one tells you that your price is ridiculous, you repeat what they said as a question. This forces them to defend their statement as opposed to forcing you to justify the price.
4. Verify that price is the real objection. Ask ‘If I could show you that the price is more than fair and the product is worth every dime we’re asking, would you go ahead and take advantage of this offer today?”
5. Response to an objection on price “Mr. Prospect, your going to be concerned about price one time. That’s the day you buy. Your going to be concerned with the quality for the life of the product itself. With this in mind, let me urge you to think along these lines: Wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to pay a little more than expected, that a little less than you should(Wait for an answer) If you pay more than expected, we are talking about pennies. If you pay less than you should and the product won’t do the job which you expected it to do, then you will lose everything.
6. “Cost” Close – Explain to them that price you pay once but cost is the maintenance fee for the life of the product. Cheap products have a higher cost because they break and require maintenance
7. Many people are trained to say the price is to high automatically.
8. Use the price objection as a selling point be using it as a segway to discuss the benefits which more than justify the price, or explain why the product is vastly superior to its competitors.
9. “We decided it would be easier to explain price one time than it would be to apologize for quality forever. Aren’t you?”
10. If you are told that you just have the answer to everything and every objection, rely that this is not the case, which is why you are so excited that in their specific situation you do have the answer.

The “1902” close -This is where you break down the purchase into price per day over the life of the product. This enable the customer to minimize the cost in their mind.
Get people out of a corner. If they have said they will “never” do something, turn breaking their vow into a positive.

“Marriage” Close - Sell the customer on the fact that your will offer comprehensive service for the length of time that they own/are using the product service.
People do not buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.

Words that sell.

1. They name
2. Understand
3. Proven
4. Health
5. Easy
6. Guarantee
7. Money
8. Safety
9. Save
10. New
11. Love
12. Discovery
13. Right
14. Results
15. Truth
16. Comfort
17. Proud
18. Profit
19. Deserve
20. Happy
21. Trust
22. Value
23. Fun
24. Vital
25. You
26. Security
27. Advantage
28. Positive
29. Benefits

Words that Unsell

1. Deal
2. Cost
3. Pay
4. Contract
5. Sign
6. Try
7. Worry
8. Loss
9. Lose
10. Hurt
11. Buy
12. Death
13. Bad
14. Sell
15. Sold
16. Price
17. Decision
18. Hard
19. Difficult
20. Obligation
21. Liable
22. Fail
23. Liability
24. Failure

Do not say “you know” or “do you understand what I mean”
Paint word pictures that allow your prospects to visualize the benefits of using the products

How to deal with different types of prospects
1. Gullible -Tell lots of human interest stories and go slow not applying pressure.
2. Skeptical - Ask them to repeat the question and thank them for asking.
3. Hostile - Say, I know how you feel. Others have felt this way in the past. They found when they had all the facts they were persuaded.
4. Indecisive -Move to his side of the table and demonstrate empathy. Inner pressure is the key factor.
5. Bargain Hunter - They want assurance they are getting a deal. Tell them the beautiful thing about your company is you treat everyone the same and no one will get a better deal than her. Tell them you will give them a special intangible you normally do not offer like personally taking the order and shipping it.
6. Obnoxious - Give them lots of attention and challenge them. Tell them what they are buying compliments their greatness.
7. Big shot - Let him know you are a high caliber sales person worth of working with them.

The "Look and Listen" Close
1. If a customer goes back for multiple looks at the product it is a good sign.
2. When the prospect says not “but”, you know you have a prospect.
3. For every sale you miss because you are too enthusiastic, you will miss ten for not being enthusiastic enough.
4. “3 questions close”
1. Can you see where this would save you money.
2. Are you interested in saving money
3. If you were ever going to start saving money, when do you think would be the best time to start.

Listen--Really Listen
1. CHEF Method for reading body language
1. Cheeks/Chin – When they touch them it is a good sign.
2. Hands – If they massaging palm against palm, or palm against the back of the other hand it means they have assumed ownership and are ready to buy.
3. Eyes – The wider the eyes the better.
4. Friendly – Always a good sign.
2. People listen more intently to things said in a low voice.
3. Always deal with objections ASAP.

by Jeffrey J. Fox

Getting the appointment
Pre-call Homework

- identify decision makers
- areas of need
- how can I help
- cost of not doing business
- find hot issues

Pre-call Planning
- Blue print to engage / sell
- address customer concerns, dollarized value
- questions to ask

Sales Plan
- 3 to 4 sentence letter to decision maker
- Objective is to get customer to take a follow up phone call, NOT TO SELL
- Present financial benefits to customer
"I have talked to 10 of your customers... You will be interested in what they are saying about you. I'll bring that information with me."

Follow up phone call
- Objective to get an appointment
- Have a plan if customer picks up the phone,
- Or if you get voice mail

How to start a sales call / meeting
When meeting with a client avoid the cliché of bonding with the customer (i.e. I see you like to fish, hey me too). It is just plain stupid. Only after the sales call, and if you really care, should we ask about that big trophy in the glass case. At the very start of the meeting be sure to confirm the customer's availability,
"We agreed to 15 minutes, is that still okay with you?"

This will achieve the following:
- Confirms time
- Getting to a yes
- Customer is engaged
- Avoids blocker "how long are you gonna take?"
- customer believes she is in control
- Customer agrees to the meeting (buy signal)

Asking for the order
- Customer expects / wants the salesperson to ask questions
- "May I explore some ideas with you?"
- Take a stroll, factory tours are buy signals

Getting client referrals
Ask with aided prompts "Are there ____ (members of your country club) who want to get the same deal?"
- reinforcement of correct decision, good price
- to decline is to discredit your customers own discoveries
- all sales are from leads, introductions, or referrals

Free is not a loss leader
Loss leaders are losers - they lose you money attract the wrong customers are should never be part of sales or marketing campaign. Free is a good customer getter as good customers know what "free" means
Good faith that a successful experience will lead to a purchase

Do not assume who the decision make is and do not assume that the person who says they are the decision maker, really are.
"In addition to yourself, who else is involved in ____ (decision making process)?"
"And what might their concerns be about going forward?"

Customer participation
Leads to persuasion so let them take the pen and crunch some numbers, eat the cookie (if you sell cookies), let them use the calculator. When the customer invests effort, time or money in the buying process they are closer to buying. Try to get the customer to:
- provide a deposit
- take a survey
- visit a website
- Plant tour / Visit place of business
- talk to references
- Answer questions
- Give opinions

Do not burden customers with to-dos and do not make it hard to participate.

1. Make contact
2. Gain confidence
3. Establish conviction
4. Gain conversion
5. Work for continuance
- A 16th century religious group, instructing its “field men” in the art of making converts

1. On Purpose - Be clear about what you want to accomplish
2. Make a Commitment to Win
3. Manage your mood
4. Reach Beyond Yourself
5. Recruit your personal team
6. Know Your Personal Numbers
7. Know Your Business Numbers
8. Know your market numbers & trends
9. Know your pricing models and negotiation tactics
10. Taste your profit
11. Re-define your Markets … solve “Problems”
12. Re-design your offer to the market place
13. Qualify fast
14. Make powerful offers
15. Sell something of Value … always
16. Know your customers … the people
17. Move powerfully with teams
18. Politic all the way
19. Follow through with everyone
20. Ask for referrals
21. Be The Expert
22. Be nimble and react powerfully
23. Empower others to win … everywhere
24. Be proactive in your Customer’s World
25. Say Thank You often
- Paul D Souza

Call your customers.
Or write to them.

"I know that times might be tough for you. Is there anything I can do to pitch in and help?"

You'll end up doing a lot for your customers. Which is a wonderful privilege. Even for those that don't reciprocate.

- Seth Godin


1) To get someone to do what you want, they have to like you.

2) People like you because of mostly unconscious reasons.

Practices that you can work on to help customers overcome their unconscious feelings when meeting you for the first time:

a) The law of association: Getting someone to associate a good feeling with your presence. Talk to them when their in a good mood or when you’re in a positive environment. Take them to a favorite restaurant for example.

b) Repeat exposure: The more you interact with someone the more they’ll like you. This is true of anything just as long as the initial exposure is positive. Hence, first impressions are everything. Generally, the more you’re around, the more you’ll grow on people.

c) The law of reciprocal affection: We like those who like us. Show that you generally like and care for the person your interacting with.

d) Be similar: We actually like those who are similar to us… commonalities, not opposites. Find ways that you’re similar to the person you’re dealing with.

e) Make people feel good: Sincerely make someone feel good about themselves and be positive.

f) Establish rapport: Match posture, match rate of speech

g) Let people do favors for you: You want them to want to do for you.

h) Be human: Smile and laugh at yourself. Self deprecating humor is ingratiating. We don’t like self absorbed people or people that are too serious.

i) Have a positive attitude
- Source:

Have you sought customer feedback from one customer today?
- Tom Peters

Good listeners are good sales people, period.
- Tom Peters

When fielding questions from a customer, paraphrase his objections, avoid showing resistance, and question him tactfully on those parts of his arguments that seem to be weak.

- Amacom, "The Skills of Selling"

If you're only there to sell one thing, make a suggestion or assumption and let them tell you you're wrong. People have a need to feel smarter than you are.
- Mark McCormack

The Gold Standard in selling:
- Tom Peters

Sprinkle your sales letters or presentations with references to your subject's first name.
- Mell Holloway

Offer your customer a choice between two alternatives; don't force the customer into a "yes/no" decision on one alternative.
- Mirek Springer

Summer sales calls should be scheduled in the middle of the week to avoid prospects who are taking long weekends.
- Salesmakers Syndicated Services

- Tom Peters

Sales reps spend 32% of their time on waiting and travel, 24% on administration and meetings, 5% on service calls, and only 39% of their time selling.
- McGraw-Hill Research

Keep it simple! No matter how “sophisticated” your product can be, if you can’t explain it in a phrase, a page, or to a 14-year old – you haven’t got it right yet.
- Tom Peters

“THANK YOU ” NOTES: World ’s highest-return investment!!!!!!!!!
- Tom Peters

Make sales presentations one-to-one to the key decision maker. Try to restrict it to one person because this does not allow the dynamics of the interrelationships of the individuals to affect the presentation.
- Mark McCormack

Always have the chief decision maker to invite his/her secretary to the sales pitch. This makes follow-up meetings and phone calls easier to schedule.
- Ben Casnocha

Once you get the point in a sales pitch where you have asked for a commitment, don't speak again until the other person has replied in some fashion.
- Mark McCormack

- Dale Carneige

- Tom Peters

Leave more “white space” on websites and in retail stores.
- Andrea Learned, On Marketing to women

The Segway had captured word of mouth.
Everyone was talking about it, didn’t ’t even have direct experience with it.

- Dave Balter, on Word of Mouth Marketing

In the end, it is people who decide what is worth talking about.
- Dave Balter

The core of Service Marketing is Service itself.
- Harry Beckwith, ‘Selling the Invisible’

Focus Groups don’t work: You are selling to individuals. Talk to individuals.
- Harry Beckwith, ‘Selling the Invisible’

Selling things people want is easy. Find out what your prospect wants first. Then show them how your product is what they want. Or smile and leave if your product isn't what they want. There are others who want it.
- Scott Reynolds

If you're only there to sell one thing, make a suggestion or assumption and let them tell you you're wrong. People have a need to feel smarter than you are.
- Mark McCormack

1. Selling Door to door: If no one stops the dog from barking within 15 seconds, no one will answer the door.
2. Selling Door to door: After knocking, stand at least four feet back from the door.
3. Selling a new car: Your customer has decided to buy the car when he or she asks what colors are available. Stop selling and close the deal.
4. The 80-20 rule: Salespeople should talk only 20 percent of the time during their first visit with a potential customer and listen the other 80 percent. During later visits, the salespeople should do most of the talking to sell the benefits of their products.
5. Selling appliances: When greeting a customer, make sure your first remark refers directly to the product you hope to sell.
6. The sale is made while the customer is talking.
7. Selling Lingerie: 65 percent of women (and even more as they age) wear the wrong size bra and the majority wear one too small.
8. Sell Green: People will pay on average a 20-25% premium for products that are eco-friendly.
9. You can't sell it if it doesn't excite you.
10. B2B Sales Fact: Most firms change 20 percent to 25 percent of their suppliers every year.
11. Getting new customers: It's five times harder to sell something to new customer than it is to a previous customer as long as you made them happy the first time. If you you didn't make them happy, the opposite is true.
12. If you lose money on every deal, you can't make it up in volume.
13. Garage Sales: The first decision is, do you just want to get rid of stuff. . .. If you do, make the prices really good and post a “prices are negotiable” or “all prices ½ off tomorrow” sign. Your sale will be a bigger success if you remember this decision, after all, you won’t get rich from your sale.
14. Selling a content-based product: Make sure that flyers feature compelling examples of the actual content, not just hype text or slogans. Not only will it create value for the flyer (decreasing the chances it will be discarded), it weeds out people who are not interested in your specific product.
15. Telephone sales: People should always let the customer hang up first. Jumping the gun can cut off a last minute add-on order.
16. Managing the Sales force: You could fire half of all the salespeople in the country and never notice a drop in sales.
17. Trade show booths: A hard working salesperson working a booth at a trade show should be able to chat briefly with about 100 people per day. Ten percent of those people are likely to be good leads.
- Adapted from ‘Rules of Thumb’

Cold calling is traditionally the most challenging part of the selling process. Cold calling is the art of approaching someone, professionally, openly and meaningfully, with a sensible proposition.

supersede existing suppliers
pre-empt the competition
identify and create huge new business possibilities
become indispensable as someone who can make things happen and create new business
build (your) personal reputation beyond job title and grade
establish relationships and a respect (for you) beyond normal sales responsibilities
and be an entrepreneur.

boring, repetitive
numbers game

indiscriminate, unprepared
tricky, shifty
reject, repel cold callers
shady, evasive

Customer Service
Marketing is more than selling and advertising

Preparation - self, environment, knowledge, and who you represent
Introduction - key phrases explaining and positioning yourself and your purpose
Questioning - help, facilitate and enable rather than assume, sell and push
Objectivity - the mark of an advisor - do not sell
Listen and interpret - do not sell
Inform and educate - do not sell
Involve and coordinate - do not sell
Keep in touch - keep notes and keep informed - keep ultimate ownership (by now you will probably be selling)

You will notice an over-riding theme of not actually selling during the cold calling process.

- Adapted from an article by Alan Chapman

Ari Galper's model is called Unlock The Game, which he describes as "A new cold calling and sales mindset focused on building trust."

Shift your mindset away from 'making the sale' towards whether the fit exists or not. Look for what the other person is thinking and whether there is actually a real possibility of a fit. Do not assume they should buy what you have. Aim to qualify, not force or persuade.

Be a helper not a pitcher. Help your prospect, instead of referring to features and benefits - this centers the conversation on the other person, not you.

Focus on the beginning - not the end. Be sensitive to the early interaction with your prospect - keep your mindset and behavior stay in the present moment (with the client) and avoid pushing forward (where you want to go - which you can only guess at best).

Stop chasing prospects - behave with dignity. Create an open pressure-free atmosphere - set a tone of equality and mutual respect - strive to be regarded as a helpful human being instead of a typical sales person.

Connect with your prospects rather than work through a list. Focus on how to make a true connection with each prospect - this naturally helps build trust - think about and discuss their issues, not yours.

Creating trust with your prospect is your primary goal - not making the sale. Creating genuine trust is the essence of building real relationships and real relationships turn into more sales.

Diffuse any pressure that you sense in the sales process. By diffusing the tension and pressure in the sales process between you and your prospects, you bring both of you closer to an honest and truthful conversation.

Change your languaging away from 'sales speak' to natural languaging that connects with people. By using phrases like 'would you be open to' instead of 'would you be interested in', you immediately set yourself apart as someone who is patient, open minded and willing to listen.

Understand your prospect's problems deeply so that they feel 'understood' by you. By having a deep understanding of the problems that your prospects experience everyday, the easier it will be for you to really feel that you know and care about their situation.

Use the Unlock The Game Mindset - both in your business and personal life because relationships are the same in both worlds. By also applying these principles in your personal life, with people you care about, you'll begin to see a deeper trust being built that can strengthen your relationships for the long term.

- Adapted from Ari Galper's ‘Unlock The Game’

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