On February 16, 2025 By newswala Topic: Media, Onlinejournalismhandbook, Censorship
Reporters Without Borders lists 13 countries that it accuses of suppressing freedom of expression on the net, including Syria, China and Vietnam.
A roundup of resources for bypassing Internet censorship:
1. HOWTO bypass Internet Censorship (last updated 2006-09-14)
2. How to disable censorware(Parental controls, etc) http://cexx.org/censware.htm
3. List of Anti-Censorship Proxies
4. Popular proxies to help you access blocked blogs and sites: e.g. Anonymouse http://anonymouse.org Pkblogs http://Pkblogs.com
5. Use Translate tools like translate.google.com to translate pages from English to English.
6. Track changes to a web page: Use Changenotes Get updates in email.
7. Get free services to convert your web page into PDF: Adobe's service is here
8. Downloadable software to bypass censorship (Like Psiphon) Use Tor
9. Psiphon a new Web censorship 'bypass' tool developed by researchers at the University of Toronto, Canada. Psiphon is able to go around government censorship of the web, according to researchers.
10. Wikipedia’s detailed look at Internet Censorship
11. Wikibooks guide to bypassing internet censorship
12. How to sidestep forced filtering by commercial internet filtering
13. Wikipedia’s detailed look at Proxy Servers
14. Net censorship: How to bypass China's Great Firewall
Richard Clayton, a computer security researcher at the University of Cambridge, claims to have devised a way to penetrate " the Chinese wall" by ignoring the reset TCP packet returned by Chinese routers to maintain connection. Mr. Clayton says that if those packets are discarded instead of being returned as expected, then the firewall becomes utterly ineffective.
15. Internet Censorship - law & policy around the world
16. Citizen Lab's Guide to bypassing Internet censorship (PDF file)
Post adapted from Mediavidea