The Networker's Bible: 75+ tips on connecting and influencing people

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Book summary, Quotes, Simpleguide, Mba

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

Networking, networking, Networking.

– Michale Bauwens

We all need to care more about others…we need a way to get people out of their own stupid, quarterly profit, sales pipeline, Monsterboard/LinkedIn/Ryze, startup-crazed lifecycle and into the “what can I do for you?” mode…

You create your network by establishing expertise in your field and gaining visibility with the right people who share the same interests. The new networking is done online, and it’s way more complicated and efficient.
- Penelope Trunk

When at a restaurant, ask a waiter, "What is best?" Don't ask, "What should I get?"
- Tyler Cowen

So, I ask you:
“What are you working on?”
“What can I do to help?”

- Bob Allard & Richard Banfield

The greatest ice-breaker question:
“Where are you from?”
- Anon

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
- Anon

Everybody is interesting for at least 20 minutes.

- Auren Hoffman

Keep a little book that lists each person and each conversation you have with them on a daily basis.
- Jervis Webb

Networking happens one on one, not at anything that's billed as a "Networking event."
- Anonymous

Follow the George Costazana (Seinfeld) rule: After one really good conversation or joke, leave.
- Anonymous

What goes around, comes around.
- Anon.

Lunch with at least one weirdo per month.
- Tom Peters

Tap in…or die.
– A Verifone Manager

The Thickness of Your Rolodex matters.
- Tom Peters

I feel really sorry for people who, for instance, eat their lunch on their own, I know it ’s strange but I’ve always felt something for that person, even if it ’s me!”
- Emily,15, survey of youth, by Phatgnat

"Career Networking" events are filled with people you don't want in your network.

- Anon

At a business meal, do not turn to business until the meal has been ordered and the menus taken away.
- Mark McCormack

I am a part of all I have met.

- Tennyson

Love thy neighbor as thyself, but chose your neighborhood.

- Louise Beal

Rule #1: Respond within 24 Hours
Rule #2: Greet People with Enthusiasm
Rule #3: Make Eye Contact
Rule #4: Leave Smart Voice Messages
Rule #5: Respect Contacts
Rule #6: Mind Your E-Mail
Rule #7: Remember Small Touches
- Carmine Gallo

Clinton said he likes picking out gifts for his friends’ wives and girlfriends.

I prefer revolutions to war- at least in revolutions only those go who want to.
- Proust


1. Networking is Not Selling.
2. Remember the Golden Rule - Reap what you sow.
3. Ask people: "How might I help you?" and "What could I do for you?"
4. Be interested in all people. Invest your time, attention and genuine understanding in them.
5. Understand what empathy really means, and practice it. Look people in the eyes. Listen with your eyes. This is about communicating at a deeper empathic level than business folk normally employ.
6. Say "Thank you" to people whenever the opportunity arises - especially to people who get taken for granted a lot.
7. Find reasons to give positive feedback to people - give and mean it.
8. Target groups and connections that are relevant and fitting for your purposes - and for theirs.
9. Stand up for what's right and protect less strong people from wrong, especially where you see bullying, cruelty, discrimination, meanness, etc. You will hear it everywhere when you step back and out of the crowd.
10. If you accept a referral or introduction to someone always follow it through.
11. Only promise or offer what you can fully deliver and follow up. Always aim to under-promise, and then over-deliver.
12. Be tolerant, patient, and calm. Particularly when others are agitated. Followers gather around calm people.
13. Be positive. Use positive language. Smile. See the good in people. Be known as a really positive person. It rubs off on others and people will warm to you for being so.
14. Always keep your integrity. Nothing destroys networking like lack of trust. Trust is based on knowing that the other person has integrity.
15. Be passionate and enthusiastic, but not emotional and subjective. Avoid personalizing situations. Remain objective.
16. Keep your emotional criticisms and personal hang-ups about others to yourself. If you hear someone being negative about another person, you will often wonder, "I wonder if he/she says that sort of thing about me too?.."
- Adapted from

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
– Mark Twain

There is no stronger bond of friendship than a mutual enemy.
- Frankfort More

Working with people is difficult, but not impossible.
– Peter Drucker

Here are ten of the most important principles for effective business networking.

1. Elevator speech
Describe yourself concisely and impressively in 15-30 seconds.
2. Be different.
Differentiate yourself. Aim high. Be best at something.
3. Help others.
Help others and you will be helped.
4. Personal integrity.
Integrity, trust and reputation are vital for networking.
5. Relevant targeting.
Groups and contacts relevant to your aims and capabilities.
6. Plans and aims.
Plan your networking - and know what you want.
7. Follow up.
Following up meetings and referrals makes things happen.
8. Be positive.
Be a positive influence on everyone and everything.
9. Sustained focused effort.
Be focused - and ever-ready.
10. Life balance.
Being balanced and grounded builds assurance.


group 1
group 2
group 3

- what is my aim?
- ideal connections (people) - describing words
- group name and type
- group profile/sector/interests (relevance to me)
- tactical group notes/tips - what works well
- my elevator speech (for this group)
- what I can do for these people
- what do I want from these people?
- diary dates/scheduled tasks
- targets/expectations
- actuals
- time spent
- compare with my other marketing activities

- Source:

At least 85% of your job is effective communication with the people you work with. Objectives, plans, and ideas are worthless unless everyone involved understands them well enough to take action.
- Josh Kaufman

Rather than telling an associate, "You look good in that suit," tell the person, "That suit looks good on you."
- Dale Carneigie

You should be suspicious of someone who nods and speaks in the affirmative, but has their arms crossed.
- Dale Carnegie

Sandwich every bit of criticism between two heavy layers of praise.
- Mary Kay Ash

Counter Rule: If someone is truly underperforming, don't sugarcoat it. Be direct.

If you're interested in obtaining something from someone else, always preface your request with "I have a favor to ask you" as people hate turning down favors.
- N. Bruce Ashwill

Don't cut off the early chatter and small talk of a new group -- the tendency of people to tell stories that seem irrelevant is part of the process of group integration. Don't interrupt them as irrelevancies which must be suppressed.
- Harold Leavitt

1. The “Reconnection” Call: to someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
2. The “follow – through Call.
3. The “New Contact or Referral” call: To someone you have just been referred to.
4. The “Thinking of you” call.
5. The “asking for support” call.
6. The “How can I help?” call.
7. The “Developing Friendship” call.
- Donna Fisher

Training courses
Chambers of Trade or Commerce
Breakfast networking clubs
Business networking websites – etc.
Website forums – e.g. webmasterworld forums (for webmasters)
Website chatrooms
Website user groups – eg. Gmail user groups on Google Groups
Professional body websites
Interactive special interest websites
Community social websites – e.g.
Online/mobile communications applications – e.g.
Local networking events
Speed networking events
Societies and associations
Institutes for industries
Lectures and talks
Universities and colleges
Hospitality events
Corporate hospitality events Shareholders meetings
Annual General Meetings
Pressure groups
Public meetings - local planning consultations; presentation of local development plans, etc.
Product launches - book launches and similar publicity events.
Opening ceremonies - new buildings, unveiling ceremonies etc.
Festivals and shows - Agricultural and county shows etc.
Foreign trade visits – Organized by local chambers of commerce, regional development agencies, and similar business bodies
Sports clubs – Golf, etc.
Other clubs – local clubs, special interest clubs etc.
Trains, boats, planes, etc.

The Networking Wisdom of Keith Ferrazzi
To become a brand, you’ve got to become relentlessly focused on what you do that adds value… try to initiate projects on your own and in your spare time
Focus on your personal brand… I went out of my way to take on project no one wanted and initiated projects no one had thought of doing… I sent recommendations to the CEO… he never responded, but I never stopped sending those emails
Try to connect with super-connectors… a disproportionate amount of super-connectors are headhunters, lobbyists, fundraisers, politicians, journalists, restaurateurs, and public relations specialists… these people can improve your network dramatically
. In one study, 56% of people surveyed found their jobs through personal connections… of those personal connections that reaped dividends for those surveyed, few were good friends… in fact, often the most important people in our network are those who are acquaintances… this is what researchers call the ‘strength of weak ties”
You have about 10 seconds before a person decides, subconsciously, whether they like you or not… it is not a time to play hard-to-get, keep a distance, or play mysterious… we should take the initiative in creating the impression we want to give… smile and be the first to say hello, which demonstrates confidence and immediately shows your interest in the other person
Before you meet someone, find a point of common ground that is deeper and richer than what can be discovered in a serendipitous encounter… use resources like Google to do this
Ask questions at conferences… a really well-formed and insightful question is a mini-opportunity to get seen by the entire audience… be sure to introduce yourself, tell people what company you work for, and then ask a question that leaves the audience buzzing
When meeting someone for the first time, focus on them… ask questions revolved around what the other person is thinking, what is troubling them
80 percent of building and maintaining relationships is just staying in touch.
. When all else fails in small talk, say: “You’re wonderful – tell me more
Learn to be brief… pick the most interesting points about your story and make them fast, make them colorful, and make them catchy
Don’t cold call – ever… instead, make a warm call… try to get others to make a connection… four rules to warm calling: (1) convey credibility by mentioning a familiar person or institution, (2) state your value proposition how can I help you, (3) impart urgency and convenience by being prepared to do whatever it takes whenever it takes to meet the other person on his/her own terms, (4) be prepared to offer a compromise that secures a definite follow-up.
- Adapted from Never eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz

Also Read
How to be a great communicator
A simple guide to becoming a Great Listener
How To Talk Well and Impress Everyone
How to be remarkable #51: Be a great public speaker
Body Language simple, very simple

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