On February 16, 2025 By newsguide Topic: Celebrity, Formula, Study
Celebrity marriages are a media staple. You might not find stories of farmer suicides but you will sure find stories about the failing marriage of a D-list celebrity and will know what clothes the couple wore to the divorce court. A story in the New York Times explains the 'scientific' formula behind failure of celebrity marriages:
The (original) equation’s variables included the relative fame of the husband and wife, their ages, the length of their courtship, their marital history, and the sex-symbol factor (determined by looking at the woman’s first five Google hits and counting how many show her in skimpy attire, or no attire).
...hereas the old equation measured fame by counting the millions of Google hits, the new equation uses a ratio of two other measures: the number of mentions in The Times divided by mentions in The National Enquirer.
Garth’s new analysis shows that it’s the wife’s fame that really matters.