Seven reasons why Wycleaf Jean is wrong for Haiti

On February 16, 2025 By topicguide Topic: Celebrity,

Wyclef Jean is using the Cult of Celebrity to gain power. Wyclef Jean’s confirmation that he intends to run for president of the perpetual bad luck country of Haiti confirms your belief that celebrities think that they can do anything and get away with it. All you have to do is to become famous for at least 15 seconds.

The charges against Wycleaf Jean:
So, what are the obstacles and objections Jean must overcome using his Magic Celeb wand

1. The Haiti Electoral Board requires that any candidate must have lived in the country for five consecutive years before an election.
Jean’s response: He gets his lawyers to argue that as a roving ambassador for Haiti with a home in Port-au-Prince he fully qualifies.
Sadly, common people cannot afford lawyers to push such high-minded reasonings.

2. Jean has failed to pay his taxes.
3. Jean paid his mistress with money from his charity.

4. Jean used his Charity fund (remember Haiti earthquake?)for personal benefits.

5. It is all part of grand plan to milk his celebrity-hood.
Gawker reported that in 2006, Jean demanded a $100,000 fee to perform at a Yele Haiti fundraiser designed to raise money for his own hometown. They had to cancel the the event as ‘securing Jean's participation was too expensive’.

6. Jean has not involved much with the politics of Haiti so far.
Haiti Action reports,

“On Oct. 26 [2004] Haitian police entered the pro-Aristide slum of Fort Nationale and summarily executed 13 young men. Wyclef Jean said nothing. On Oct. 28 the Haitian police executed five young men, babies really, in the pro-Aristide slum of Bel Air. Wyclef said nothing. If Wyclef really wants to be part of Haiti’s political dialogue, he would acknowledge these facts. Unfortunately, Wyclef is fronting

7. Jean is going to be a puppet of International (read American) efforts to rule Haiti by proxy.
Making a popular person sit in as a puppet ruler is the obvious Empire-building strategy.

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