Seven Lessons from Merlin Mann: The Success Manual

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Quotes

Here are some great bits of advice from Merlin Mann, who is a popular productivity guru and creator of the goal-sharing website 43

[From the 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable  Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual. ]

1. On becoming overwhelmed by useless online information

I really feel like that combination of little, easy motor skills and clicking combined with feeling a little less bored for a minute is completely addictive to people. When the main way we communicate with each other is through all these things — and I’m not saying, “Don’t use Facebook, don’t use Twitter.” What I am saying is, if you’re not mindful about the amount of your attention that goes to thinking about and consuming those things, you’re not going to be making good stuff, either for that medium or elsewhere. That’s what I got kind of hung up on, when I finally realized that all I was doing was eating and producing potato chips all day long.

2. On not sucking: Before I can start being good, I need to stop sucking.

3. On Managing time: Although your time and attention are finite, the demands on your time and attention are infinite.

4. On the wisdom of crowds: Some days, the web feels like 5 people trying to make something; 5k people turning it into a list; and 500MM people saying, "FAIL."

5. On Decision makers: You shouldn't let the guy with the broom decide how many elephants go on the parade.

6. On Pretentious People: People with tiny glasses and costly shoes can always find a couple of hours to explain how you did it all wrong.

7. On Email: If your Subject line contains more than one exclamation point, that better be some really strong

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