Overcoming shyness Part 2: Why it is okay to be shy

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable

If you are shy, there is no need to be worried about it. Contrary to what many of us believe, a majority of us (95%) have experienced 'temporary shyness' from time to time. Experts also this 'Situational Shyness'.


What causes situational shyness?
According to an expert on shyness: " strangers, people in authority and people we find attractive...and talking to younger people".
Did I forgot women?

You will be surprised that while men can become temporarily shy in presence of women, women will mostly feel shy in front of other women.

You don't belive meRead this Wall Street Journal article.

And, how do we deal with this temporary/situational shyness?
Shyness is less of an affliction. Shyness is a challenge.  Some tips from the WSJ article,

1. Prepare & Practice: Practice talking to people in line at Starbucks. Think of what to say before you run into (a person who makes you feel shy) again.
2. Be proactive: Force yourself to stand in the middle of the room, approach a boisterous group or introduce yourself to everyone in blue.
3. Make statements, don't ask questions. It may seem a polite way to draw others out, but it makes them do the work.
4. Don't beat yourself up if you're uncomfortable or if conversation doesn't flow. Chances are others are feeling shy, and will be too focused on themselves to notice any gaffe you think you've made.

Also read
How shy and introverted people can succeed in Business and Career


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