Mumbai Terror Attacks: Picture becoming clearer despite unanswered questions

On February 16, 2025 By pramitsingh Topic: Terrorism, Mumbaiterrorattack2008, Mumbai, Liveblog

The latest updates from the ongoing standoff b/w security forces and the terrorists holed up inside the hotels:

1. Desperate acts: The terrorists have killed the wife and three kids of the GM of the Taj Mahal Hotel.

2. How they got there: The terrorists caught an unmarked boat for Mumbai Harbor from Porbandar port in Gujarat.

3. What are the plans? Before embarking on their ghastly mission, the terrorists reportedly killed the mastermind behind the attacks. WhyIt is not clear.


Big questions still unanswered:

1. Did the terrorists have other plans?

2. Are there more terrorists hiding in Mumbai?

3. Why did the elite NSG commandoes took so long to reach Mumbai when a flight from Delhi to Mumbai takes less than 2 hours?


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