Managing Careers 101: The best things man ever said or wrote

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Simpleguide, Quotes, Book summary

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

Assistants with big breasts

- Get Smarter: Life and Business Lessons by Seymour Schulich

Job Security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual.
– Homa Bahrami

If you can't say why you made your company a better place, you are out.
– Cynthia Kellams

You need to imagine yourself working through a series of projects, adding value for specific customers, internal and external.
– Tom Peters

My only career strategy is to plan what I can learn from each job.
- Veronique Vienne

A working girl is one who quits her job to get married.
– E.J. Kiefer


The most important lesson to learn: Share the credit with others because a rising tide floats all boats.
What about freeloaders(Those scum of the earth that don’t do anything for the group.) In school you can let them know how you truly feel. You can’t in the real world because bozos have a way of rising to the top of many organizations, and bozos seek revenge. The best solution is to bite your tongue, tolerate them, and try to never have them on the team again, but there’s little upside in criticizing them.
- Guy Kawasaki

Do something. Make things happen. It's inaction that kills you.
– A middle manager

If you wanted an easy job, you could be a great digger or run a graveyard.
- Ted Turner

Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water
- Steve Jobs

If your employer starts upon a course which you think will prove injurious, tell him so, protest, give your reasons, and stand to them unless convinced you are wrong.
- Andrew Carnegie

Brains are becoming the core of organizations- other activities can be contracted out.
- Charles Handy

Nothing astonishes men so much as commonsense and plain dealing.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

The world is full of willing people: some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

- Robert Frost

Life without industry is guilt, industry without art is brutality.
- John Ruskin

We spend most of our lives working. So, why do so few people have a good time doing it
- Richard Branson

Bureaucratic and risk- averse environments are career killers because of their impact on learning
- John Kotter

The most important qualities in a marketing executive are: patience, imagination, ego-strength, and aggressiveness.
- Jay Conrad Levinson

Never sleep with someone who reports to you.
- Robert Tillman

The shock of unemployment becomes a pathology in its own right.
- Robert Farrar Capon

There’s no future in any job. The future lies in the man who holds the job.

- Dr. George Crane

We need to work….it helps us connect to society. It provides a sense of fulfillment. It helps us fill time.
– Deanne Julius

Give him an offer he can’t refuse.
- The Godfather

A man’s work is his dilemma: his job is his bondage, but it also gives him a fair share of his identity and keeps him from being a bystander in someone else’s world.

- Melvin Maddocks

1. Focus on people, not tasks. The job of the manager is to get the best work from the people you manage. Ideally, you show people how to see themselves differently so that they are able to produce at a higher level than they ever imagined.
2. Make a quick transition. Delegating your old job should take three days. If you died today, your job would be delegated in a couple of days. Plus, you have to let go and stop caring about things that no longer matter.
3. Remember to manage up. You can only impress your boss with your management skill if you are accomplishing things she cares about. Set measurable goals for yourself and let people know that you're meeting them.
4. Listen more than you talk. Start with a listening tour to find out what matters to people. Only then can you set goals for yourself.

A study of HBS grads showed that people who went into a profession they loved ended up making more money than people who went into a profession for money.

- Star strategies allow you to be highly effective, yet highly productive at the same time, so you can fulfill your potential at work and in your personal life. Yes, stars have time for both.
- Office politics isn't about jockeying for power, it's about hobnobbing for projects--getting the best opportunities to learn and grow--the best projects, training, and assignments to build skills and market value.
- Make a list of skills and knowledge you want to accumulate in the next two years. Ask you boss which ones she can help with. Then ask which projects or teams can help you acquire the skills that your boss can't help with.
- Would you go to work in a Hawaiian shirtYour desk is as much a part of your image as your clothes. Clean it up.
- 5 years after business school, only 60% of women are working outside the home.
- Typecast yourself. Being a generalist means good at nothing and headed for long-term unemployment. You get to the top by being the best, and you can't be the best at everything.
Adapted from Brazen Careerist, by Penelope Trunk

1. I hate what I’m Doing
2. It’s not challenging enough
3. I don’t like the people I Work With
4. I am not satisfied financially
5. There are no Promotion Opportunities
6. I want to work for myself
7. I have saved some money for a rainy day
- Alan Johnson


Personal Learning, on demand, just in time, whenever and however the opportunity is wanted.
– Louis Perelman

You can't live without an eraser.
- Gregory Bateson

The way to avoid blindness is to develop an ambivalent stance towards past wisdom, and treat memory as a pest.
- Karl Weick

The test of a first-rate intelligence, is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.

– F. Scott Fitzerald

Develop a systematic plan to attack your most cherished beliefs.
– Tom Peters

Information is the enemy of intelligence.

– Donald Hall

The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty year of his life.
- Muhammad Ali

The more opinions you have, the less you see.
-Wim Wenders

It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
- Epictetus

Generally speaking, you aren't learning much when your lips are moving.

- Anon

First of all: what is work? Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so. The first one is hard and meagerly paid; the second is easy and well-paid.
- Bertrand Russell


By Tag and Catherine Goulet

Where Are You Now?: "Is It Quitting Time?" Quiz
1. I don’t get along with my boss.
2. My work is not challenging.
3. I am thinking of asking for a pay raise.
4. I have seriously considered taking stress leave.
5. I often work late.
6. I have looked into how much severance pay I would get if I left my job.
7. I am reading a book about how to break into a new career.

Agreeing with any one of the above statements may mean a change in career is necessary.

Where Have You Been
Your past work experience, volunteer activities, education, and life experience can help you decide on your ideal career.

What Do You Want
It is important to focus on what you really want, as well as your skill set. Remember, most skills can be learned.

"Dream Career Mini-Questionnaire"
1. What’s the first thing that pops into your head in response t the question, "What’s the best job in the world?"
2. What did you dream about doing when you were a child
3. If you could do any job in the world, what would you do
4. If you could take over anyone’s job for a day, whose job would you choose
5. If you had all the money you wanted, how would you choose to spend your days

The "Dream Careers Quiz" is also designed to help determine what you would like to do by focusing on what you like to do in your spare time.
1. If you had an evening off, what would you rather do
2. Which section of the newspaper do you turn to first
3. What would you prefer to do at a party
4. Which book would you most like to receive as a gift
5. What would you rather do in your spare time
6. It’s your turn to choose the movie. What’s your first choice
7. You’re at a social event. Who would you rather join
8. You have the choice to be on a reality show. Which do you choose

What Is Holding You Back
Many obstacles can get in the way of you obtaining your dream career, including your behavior and choices, lack of confidence, and discouragement from others must be overcome in order to achieve your dream career.
After identifying your negative beliefs, adopting new behaviors can help extinguish these beliefs. This will change your results.

Fan Entertainers
If you are a natural entertainer, then a career in the entertainment field may be your dream career. The entertainment industry is highly competitive, but contains many alternatives.

Things you need: Professional photos, demo reels...

Fab Creatives

A person who enjoys creating something from the ideas in their head will do well in the creative field. This section highlights 24 careers, such as animator, caterer, fashion designer, inventor, and wedding planner.

Things you need: portfolios...

Fab Merchants
A person who enjoys buying or selling products and is business-savvy should consider pursuing their own business. Despite the odds of success, businesses that start with a clear plan are the most likely to succeed.

Things you need: Business idea, business plan...

Fab Relators
A person who is described as a "people person" could have a fabulous career working with people or animals. This is a rewarding field, as your work can have a positive, direct impact on the lives of others.

Things you need: excellent interpersonal skills...

Fab Brains
A person who can easily figure out puzzles and is detail-oriented should consider a career in critical thinking. This section highlights 17 careers in the industry including editor, financial planner, pilot, and web designer.

Things you need: formal training, education, or a certification or license...

Fab Movers
People who know how to make things happen and are interested in helping people are movers. This section highlights 12 mover careers, including activist, human resources professional, mediator, and sports agent.

Things you need: you need to be an industry insider, Diplomatic skills ...

Make a Plan
Personal and professional goals

Make a Move
The newspaper, trade magazines, career centers, job fairs, and online resources are a good place to start when looking for a job. You can also add a few employers you want to target to your online favorites.
When applying for an advertised job, research the company and prepare your materials carefully. After obtaining the proper contact information, submit your materials and follow up if you do not hear from the employer in a reasonable amount of time.

Make Friends
Starting with your friends and family, find someone who works in your desired field. They may know of an open position and may also be able to recommend you.

Make It Happen
Sometimes it is necessary to create your dream job. First, understand the costs incurred by am employer if your position is created and be ready to demonstrate the value you will be bringing your employer by creating this position. Identify the need for the position in the company using qualities valued by the company. Do not waste time trying to create a position that would not be appreciated by the employer.
An alternative to working for a company is creating your own business.

By Richard N. Bolles

This book emphasizes the necessity of finding one’s “mission” in life in order to obtain meaningful employment. Not to be content with simply drawing a paycheck, Bolles encourages the reader to uncover those areas of personal interest that can be translated into a rewarding as well as relevant career.

- by Dr. Spencer Johnson 1988

The book features four characters; two mice, "Sniff" and "Scurry", and two little people, miniature humans in essence, "Hem" and "Haw", live in a maze, a representation of one's environment, and look for cheese, representative of happiness and success. Initially without cheese, each group, the mice and humans paired off, travel the lengthy corridor looking for cheese.

A summary of the famous book:

Change Happens
They Keep Moving The Cheese

Anticipate Change
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move

Monitor Change
Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old

Adapt To Change Quickly
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese

Move With The Cheese

Enjoy Change!
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!

Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again & Again
They Keep Moving The Cheese.
- "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson

Also Read The Giant Guide To becoming a superstar at the workplace

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