On February 16, 2025 By newsroom Topic: India,India,India,India
Can The Congress Party Counter BJP By Using Social Media Alone? Actor-turned-politician Divya Spandana Ramya is now heading a small (4-5 people, how many in BJP IT Cell?) team doing everything to catch up on BJP in the social media space: Coming with timely slogans, hastags / campaigns (“Vikas Gando Thayo Che” in Gujarat), capitalizing on the habitually silly and arrogant BJP (e.g. #AintNoCinderellaafter Chandigarh-based DJ Varnika Kundu incident ), coming up with fast counters to BJP IT cell tweets (one imagines there will be volunteers roped in to copy paste tweets), and so on.
So, in one battlefield, they are trying to give BJP a taste of their own medicine.
While BJP IT Cell's Amit Malviya has become infamous for being the father of fake news in India, Ramya still has ways to go before we know if fake news is their main weapon too.
Now that we know at bit about the two main parties and their methods, two things:
1. India needs a real opposition, and this means an opposition taking on the government in the streets, getting along the common citizen and protest and work together.
Hashtag activism can build a small fort against the trolls etc, but only just that. Can they bring in change that india needs?
2. India is swinging between two families, Gandhis and Sanghis.
Maybe the Congress will rein in the rabid nationalism and stuff. But it was Congress who brought in Adhaar. It was during Congress rule that cartoonist Aseem Trivedi was charged with sedition.
To this writer, Congress just seems a softer version of BJP - both parties seem to be in it for their respective families first, India second. India is swinging from one bad choice to another.