On February 16, 2025 By pramitsingh Topic: Media, Onlinejournalismhandbook, Local, Blogging
The underlying assumption is that a local blogger does not have the back up enjoyed by a reporter belonging to a resourceful news organization. So, being tenecious and scrappy is a given.
1. Have Passion for whatever you are writing about - Local news is about local people.
2. Be interesting and have interesting content - the world is not interested if you are not interesting.
3. Be a good writer - write to inform and provoke.
4. Be outgoing - go out , meet and mingle.
5. Have patience - write story after story and aggregate useful links on an issue until people start to give attention.
6. Go after the news - Start by looking at what the traditional media is not reporting.
7. Have some basic tech skills some time and money - if you are in for the long haul.
Read more about local blogging tips.