How to be Remarkable #49: Have Charisma

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Simpleguide, Book summary, Mba

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

There are two types of people in the world. Those who come in the room and say, 'Well, here I am!' and those who come into the room and say 'Ah, there you are!'
- Frederick Collins, Writer

BBC reports that Scientists claim to have found the secret to that magical quality, charisma, and they say it can be learnt. Led by British Professor Richard Wiseman, the researchers interviewed more than 200 people who were taking part in FameLab, a national competition in Britain to find the new "faces of science".

Researchers found that the ones who scored highest in a questionnaire about how much they seem to transmit their emotions to others also progressed the furthest in the competition, when they used their personalities to impress a panel of judges.

General: Open body posture, hands away from face when talking, stand up straight, relax, hands apart with palms forwards or upwards
To an individual: Let people know they matter and you enjoy being around them, develop a genuine smile, nod when they talk, briefly touch them on the upper arm, and maintain eye contact
To a group: Be comfortable as leader, move around to appear enthusiastic, lean slightly forward and look at all parts of the group
Message: Move beyond status quo and make a difference, be controversial, new, simple to understand, counter-intuitive
Speech: Be clear, fluent, forceful and articulate, evoke imagery, use an upbeat tempo, occasionally slow for tension or emphasis
- Professor Richard Wiseman, BBC

1.The power of purpose
2. Self-confidence
3. Enthusiasm
4. Expertise, or competence
5. Detailed preparation
6. Self-reliance, or self-responsibility.
7. The capacity to step forward and take charge.
is image
8. Interpersonal. This is the image or appearance that you convey to others
9. Character, or integrity
10. Self-discipline, or self-mastery
11. Result-orientation
- Brian Tracy

Presence: Everything non-verbal. Body language; stance; emotional mood; feelings; intellectual attitude; beliefs and opinions; being intentional; the context you're holding.

Affiliativeness: Respecting others' time, personal space, and limits to emotions and opinions: "don't go there" unless you are clear you have been invited.

Speaking: Speaking personally. Speaking clearly and concisely; projecting your voice; smiling while talking, particularly in situations where you can't be seen, as when on the phone.

Listening: Careful and attentive listening; checking your perception when necessary by paraphrasing; knowing when and how much to hold back speaking; having a beginner's mind in everything you say (listening for your own bias, if any, when you speak).

Adaptability: Promotion by affinity (passive "enrollment"): affinity as a structured discipline. The platinum rule: treat others as they would have you treat them. Taking a genuine interest in what they want. Finding one thing about them you admire, and generating your attitude from that.

Persuasiveness: Promotion by endorsement and direct action (active "enrollment"); Motivating others to adopt your idea or follow your lead; asking questions that do not presuppose an answer.

Vision: Setting your goals according to your personal mission statement. Having a mission statement that gives the world what you once most wanted for yourself. Continually being your own most true believer.
- ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’, Og Mandino

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