How to be remarkable #47: Handle Difficult and Angry People

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Book summary

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

Hell is other people.
- Sartre

1. Forgive: What would Jesus Do?
2. Wait it Out: Sometimes, time is the best medicine.
3. “Does it really matter if I am right?” If yes, then ask “Why do I need to be rightWhat will I gain?“
4. Don’t Respond. When we react, we are actually giving them what they want.
5. Stop Talking About It: This way, we end up repeating the story to anyone who’ll listen.
6. Be In Their Shoes: Try putting yourself in their position and consider how you may have hurt their feelings.
7. Look for the Lessons
8. Choose to Eliminate Negative People In Your Life
9. Become the Observer: Instead of identifying with the emotions and letting them consume us, we observe them with clarity and detachment.
10. Take a break: Leave town; Go for a Run … or a swim, or some other workout.
11. Worst Case Scenario: “If I do not respond, what is the worst thing that can result from it?“, “If I do respond, what is the worst thing that can result from it?”
12. Avoid Heated Discussions
13. List out things in your life most important to you. Then ask yourself, “Will a reaction to this person contribute to the things that matter most to me?“
14. Pour Honey: Use this to catch people off guard when they’re trying to “Pour Poison” on you. Compliment the other person for something they did well, tell them you’ve learned something new through interacting with them, and maybe offer to become friends. Remember to be genuine. You might have to dig deep to find something that you appreciate about this person.
15. Express It: Put it out in writing, as a song or a video. For example, take out some scrap paper and dump all the random and negative thoughts out of you by writing freely without editing. Continue to do so until you have nothing else to say.
Now, roll the paper up into a ball, close your eyes and visualize that all the negative energy is now inside that paper ball. Toss the paper ball in the trash. Let it go!
- Source: Think Simple

1. People can not maintain a full bore rant for more than two minutes.
2. When you interrupt them you allow them to regain momentum.
3. When they allow you to speak, lower your voice and articulate each word clearly and deliberately
4. Thank them for sharing their honest feelings with you.
5. After they calm down, if you have handled things properly they will be embarrassed for having blown up.
6. Key principles
1. Hear them out
2. Be patient
3. Be tactful
4. Empathize
5. Acknowledge their importance
6. Articulate their response slowly, quietly and carefully
7. Never grant them permission to control you
- Zig Zagler, Selling 101

1. Coaching
2. Counseling
3. Appraisal interviews
4. Training
5. Confrontation
6. Job restructuring
7. Neutralizing
8. Transferring
9. Punishment
10. Dismissal

1. Ignore it.
2. Delay your reaction and play for time.
3. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the behavior.
4. Stand firm and declare your boundaries and limits.
5. Yield and accept it.
6. Acknowledge and tolerate it and then move on.
7. Change or adapt your own behavior.
8. Try to influence the other person to change.
9. Pull rank and get the system to exert pressure.
10. Define the situation as a shared problem and seek a contract to resolve it.
11. Seek help in relating to the difficult person.

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