How to be remarkable #46: Be Productive

On October 25, 2016 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Simpleguide

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

1. Record what you see, hear or think: Keep a notebook or a Voice Recorder with you always.
2. Keep written goals, and revise them daily.
3. Change your working environment if it helps you. Get some music if want to.
4. Identify your best hours of the day and work during those.
5. Time Box: Schedule your activities. Set time bands for different activities.
6. Minimize all distraction during any activity: Only Respond to Emergency Emails during productive hours
7. Maximize working hours
8. Work smart but do not use short cuts that amount to cheating
9. Allot time for regular breaks: Use these to stretch your body, play games, IM...
10. Pay attention to your attitude
11. Learn things that you do not know: get help pronto
12. Avoid meetings: nearly one third of office life is spent in small rooms with people you don't like, doing things that don't matter. [ Source: Office Politics: How Work Really Works by Guy Browning]
13. Back up your work
14. Use anti-virus software
15. Search the internet well: Google,, Social News, Google Alerts
16. Ignore SPAM in your e-mail. It will be deleted after a while automatically anyway.

17. Do less. simplify your schedule by doing fewer things but focusing on the important things.
18. Delegate. If a task needs to be done but is not one of your most important tasks, and it can be done by someone else, delegate it.
19. Get the important stuff done early. Pick the top 2-3 things you need or want to accomplish today, and get those done first.
20. Batch tasks. Instead of interspersing your work day with small tasks all mixed together, try to group similar tasks and do them at once.
21. Focus on one project and get it done.
22. Learn to say no. This is crucial if you want to have a simplified schedule.

Exercising during the lunch hour makes your afternoon twice as productive.
- Grant McLaren

1. The 90-9-1 Rule: 90% of users are lurkers who never contribute, 9% of users contribute a little, and 1% of users account for almost all the action.
2. The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule). In economist Vilfredo Pareto’s original research, the observation was that 80% of the income in Italy went to 20% of the population. But similar distributions occur in many places.
3. The best developers are 10 times more productive than the worst ones.
4. 2 interruptions cost you 1 hour of work.
5. When estimating a task, take your first estimate, double it, and add 50%.


1. Break it down.
2. Work through projects using next actions.
3. Use specific, active verbs.
4. Keep your list short.
5. Keep it moving: Finish items on the list on a daily basis. Add new items as well.
6. Prioritize.
7. Purge Items that you have never been able to finish.
8. Log your done items.
9. Work at it.
- Merlin Mann

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