How to be remarkable #14: Have a life plan

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Quotes, Simpleguide

This guide belongs to 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable  Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual.

1. Have you found joy in your life?
2. Have you given others reasons for joy?

- Questions people are asked at gates to heaven, Egyptian Mythology

The "Bucket List"
1. Witness something truly majestic
2. Help a complete stranger for the common good
3. Laugh till I cry
4. Drive a Shelby Mustang
5. Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
6. Get a tattoo
7. Skydiving
8. Visit Stonehenge
9. Spend a week at the Louvre
10. See Rome
11. Dinner at La Chevre d'Or
12. See the Pyramids
13. Get back in touch (previously "Hunt the big cat", added after being earlier added and crossed off)
14. Visit Taj Mahal, India
15. Hong Kong
16. Victoria Falls
17. Serengeti
18. Ride the Great Wall of China
- The Bucket List (Things to do before I die) - movie

When Benjamin Franklin, the inventor of the lightening rod, bifocals and odometer, among other things, the successful publisher of 'Richard's Almanac' and one of the founding fathers of the United States of America,, was 20 years of age, he came up with a life plan which consisted of 13 guidelines. He kept a daily chart of these 13 goals, and placed a dot next to the ones he failed to abide by each day for the rest of his life. His 13 guidelines included:

- Temperance: Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation.
- Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.
- Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have your time.
- Industry: Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.
- Cleaniliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes or habitation.
- Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
- Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.


1. Outcomes
2. Priorities
3. Action Plans

Priorities: I have eight accounts:

1. God
2. Self
3. Gail
4. Children
5. Friends
6. Career
7. Finances
8. Ministry
- Michael Hyatt

Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life?
- Steve Jobs to John Sculley

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