How to be a travel parasite (and two other helpful tips for travellers)

On February 16, 2025 By newsguide Topic: Travel

Three most useful tips from a long list of helpful tips for travelers over at

1. Be a travel parasite

No, this does not mean mooching off friends or family. What it means is learning how to use guidebooks to your advantage. While they are useful to have for the history of a place or the basics in itinerary planning, I rarely look to guidebooks for the name of a hostel or restaurant. Instead, I look at their recommendations as things to piggyback on. Lonely Planet recommends a place as “Our Pick”Great, I go there, and walk two doors down to stay nearby. Rough Guides says “this is the best restaurant in town”Perfect! Almost every one of those recommendations will spawn another restaurant within walking distance. Industrious entrepreneurs quickly learn that when these books recommend a place, they quickly get overcrowded and prices go up. The solution: they open a place right next door or nearby to handle the spillover. Without fail, those are the places that are cheaper, more delicious and not jaded. Being a parasite isn’t always a bad thing. (Having parasitesNot so much.)

2. There are things you should not leave home without.
Regardless of what climate I pack for, I’ve always got these five things in my bag: safety whistle, doorstop, headlamp, sleep sheet and sarong. I’ve got many other mainstays as well, but these four are there, for shorter trips or longer trips or anything in between.
And, finally:

3. Never skimp on your underwear. You do not want them falling apart as you travel.

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