Global Standard Land Measurements in India

On February 16, 2025 By newsroom Topic: India Home Advice

Below is a summary of globally recognized standard land measurement units commonly used in India, along with their conversions and details:

Land Measurement Units and Their Conversions

| Units | Conversion | Details |
| 1 Square Foot | 0.092903 Square Meter | Standard unit mandated by the RERA Act 2016 for property transactions in India. |
| 1 Square Foot | 0.1111 Square Yard | |
| 1 Square Yard | 9 Square Feet | Known as "Gaj" in North India. |
| 1 Square Yard | 0.836127 Square Meter | |
| 1 Square Meter | 10.7639 Square Feet | Commonly used for larger parcels of land. |
| 1 Square Meter | 1.19599 Square Yards | |
| 1 Acre | 43,560 Square Feet | |
| 1 Acre | 4,840 Square Yards | |
| 1 Acre | 4,046.85 Square Meters | |
| 1 Acre | 0.4046 Hectares | |
| 1 Hectare | 1,07,639 Square Feet | Commonly used for agricultural land measurements. |
| 1 Hectare | 11,959 Square Yards | |
| 1 Hectare | 10,000 Square Meters | |
| 1 Hectare | 2.47 Acres | |


  • Square Feet (sq ft): Predominantly used for property transactions in urban and residential areas.
  • Square Yard (sq yd): Commonly known as "Gaj" in Northern India.
  • Acre & Hectare: Primarily used for agricultural land measurements.
  • Square Meter (sq m): Preferred for large-scale plots and commercial properties.

Understanding these units is essential for real estate dealings, agricultural transactions, and urban planning.

Regional Land Measurement Units in North India

North India has a variety of traditional land measurement units, which are still in use along with global standard units like Square Feet, Acres, and Square Meters. Below is a summary of commonly used regional units and their conversions:

| Unit | Conversion | States | Details |
| 1 Bigha (Pucca) | 3025 sq yd | Bihar, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh | 1 Pucca Bigha = 165 ft × 165 ft |
| 1 Bigha | 968 sq yd | Parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand | |
| 1 Bigha | 900 sq yd | Parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand | |
| 1 Bigha (Kachha) | 1008.33 sq yd | Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh | Kachha Bigha = 1/3 Pucca Bigha |
| 1 Biswa (Pucca) | 151.25 sq yd | Northern Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha (Pucca) |
| 1 Biswa | 48.4 sq yd | Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha |
| 1 Biswa | 45 sq yd | Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha |
| 1 Biswa (Kachha) | 50.417 sq yd | Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha (Kachha) |
| 1 Biswansi | 1/20 Biswa | Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand | 1 Biswa = 20 Biswansis |
| 1 Killa | 4840 sq yd | Haryana, Punjab | Equivalent to 1 Acre |
| 1 Ghumaon | 4840 sq yd | Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab | Equivalent to 1 Acre |
| 1 Kanal | 5445 sq ft | Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir | 1 Acre = 8 Kanals |

Key Highlights:

  • Pucca vs. Kachha Units: Pucca Bigha/Biswa is a standardized measurement, while Kachha is a local variation and smaller in size.
  • Killa and Ghumaon: Both are equivalent to 1 Acre and commonly used in Punjab and Haryana.
  • Kanal: Predominantly used in agricultural and residential land measurement, particularly in Jammu & Kashmir and Punjab.

These units are still prevalent in rural areas, though global standards are gaining traction due to increased regulations and modernization.

Land Measurement Units: Bigha and Biswa


  • Bigha is widely used for measuring farmland in North India.
  • No fixed value: The size of a Bigha varies significantly by state.
  • Typically, 1 Acre = 4 to 6 Bighas, depending on the region.
  • Below is the state-wise value of 1 Bigha in square feet:

| State | 1 Bigha (sq ft) |
| Assam | 14,400 |
| Bihar | 27,220 |
| Gujarat | 17,424 |
| Haryana | 27,225 |
| Himachal Pradesh| 8,712 |
| Jharkhand | 27,211 |
| Madhya Pradesh | 12,000 |
| Punjab | 9,070 |
| Rajasthan | 27,255 |
| Uttar Pradesh (UP) | 27,000 |
| Uttarakhand | 6,804 |
| West Bengal | 14,400 |


  • Biswa is another traditional unit used for smaller land parcels.
  • It is the 20th part of a Bigha and varies across regions.
  • Commonly used in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh for agricultural land measurements.

| State | 1 Biswa (sq ft) |
| Assam | 720 |
| Bihar | 1,361 |
| Gujarat | 871.2 |
| Haryana | 1,361.25 |
| Himachal Pradesh| 435.6 |
| Jharkhand | 1,360.55 |
| Madhya Pradesh | 600 |
| Punjab | 453.5 |
| Rajasthan | 1,362.75 |
| Uttar Pradesh (UP) | 1,350 |
| Uttarakhand | 340.2 |
| West Bengal | 720 |

Key Points

  • Bigha: Larger units used for measuring farmland.
  • Biswa: Smaller subdivisions of a Bigha.
  • Regional variations in measurements make it important to check local conversions before any land transactions.

These traditional units are being increasingly supplemented by standard units like Square Feet, Acre, and Square Meter, especially in urban and regulated markets.

Land Measurement Units in South India

The southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka use a mix of traditional and global land measurement units. Common regional units include Ground, Cent, Ankanam, Guntha, and Kuncham, alongside global standards like Square Feet and Acres.

Key Units Used in South India

| Units | Conversion | States | Details |
| 1 Ankanam | 72 sq ft | Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka | 1 Acre = 605 Ankanams |
| 1 Cent | 435.6 sq ft | Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka | 1 Acre = 100 Cents |
| 1 Ground | 2400 sq ft | Tamil Nadu | Commonly used for urban land parcels |
| 1 Guntha | 1089 sq ft | Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka | 1 Acre = 40 Gunthas |
| 1 Kuncham | 484 sq yd | Andhra Pradesh | 1 Kuncham = 10 Cents |


  • Cent: Widely used in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka for smaller plots of land.
  • Ground: Popular in Tamil Nadu, especially in urban and suburban areas.
  • Guntha: Common in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, often used for agricultural plots.
  • Ankanam: Primarily used in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, notable for being a subdivision of an acre.
  • Kuncham: Specific to Andhra Pradesh, often linked with the Cent unit for larger areas.

These units reflect regional diversity and are essential for land transactions in South India. While traditional units remain prevalent, Square Feet and Acres are increasingly used in modern legal documentation.

Land Measurement Units in Eastern India

Eastern states of India, such as Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura, use traditional units like Dhur, Kattha, Chatak, Decimal, and Lecha for land measurement. These units vary significantly between states, reflecting local practices and cultural differences.

Key Units and Their Conversions

| Units | States Used In | Conversion |
| 1 Chatak | West Bengal | 180 sq ft |
| 1 Decimal | West Bengal | 48.4 sq yd; 1 Acre = 100 Decimals |
| 1 Dhur | Bihar, Jharkhand | 68.0625 sq ft |
| 1 Dhur | Tripura | 3.6 sq ft |
| 1 Kattha | Assam | 2880 sq ft; 1 Bigha (Assam) = 5 Katthas |
| 1 Kattha | Bengal | 720 sq ft; 1 Bigha (Bengal) = 20 Katthas |
| 1 Kattha | Bihar | 1361.25 sq ft; 1 Bigha (Bihar) = 20 Katthas |
| 1 Lecha | Assam | 144 sq ft; 20 Lechas = 1 Kattha |


  • Dhur:
  • Bihar/Jharkhand: 68.0625 sq ft
  • Tripura: Only 3.6 sq ft, reflecting regional variations.
  • Kattha: Widely used across Assam, Bihar, and West Bengal, with varying sizes.
  • Assam: Larger unit (2880 sq ft).
  • Bengal: Smaller unit (720 sq ft).
  • Bihar: Mid-range unit (1361.25 sq ft).
  • Decimal: Popular in West Bengal for smaller land parcels. 1 Acre = 100 Decimals.
  • Lecha: Specific to Assam, where 20 Lechas = 1 Kattha.

Usage Insights

  • Bihar & Jharkhand: Dhur and Kattha are traditional favorites for agricultural and residential land.
  • West Bengal: Chatak and Decimal are common, particularly in urban land transactions.
  • Assam: Kattha and Lecha dominate rural and agricultural measurements.
  • Tripura: Dhur is still in use but has a much smaller value compared to other states.

Eastern India's regional diversity necessitates understanding these units, especially for land deals and agricultural planning.

Land Measurement Units in Western India

Western states like Rajasthan and Gujarat primarily use traditional units such as Bigha, Biswa, and Biswansi for land measurement. These units vary significantly within regions. However, global standard units like Square Feet, Square Yards, Acres, and Square Meters are gaining popularity, especially in urban and real estate transactions.

Key Units and Their Conversions

| Units | States | Conversion | Details |
| 1 Bigha | Bihar, Rajasthan (Pucca) | 3025 sq yd | 1 Bigha = 165 ft x 165 ft |
| 1 Bigha | Gujarat, Rajasthan (Kachha) | 1936 sq yd | 1 Bigha = 132 ft x 132 ft |
| 1 Biswa | Northern Rajasthan (Pucca) | 151.25 sq yd | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha |
| 1 Biswa | Southern Rajasthan | 96.8 sq yd | 1 Biswa = 1/20 Bigha |
| 1 Biswansi | Rajasthan | 1/20 Biswa | Subdivision of Biswa |

Regional Insights

  • Rajasthan:
  • Northern regions rely on Pucca Bigha (larger size) and Pucca Biswa.
  • Southern regions use Kachha Bigha (smaller size) and corresponding Biswa units.

  • Gujarat:

  • Bigha values are smaller compared to Rajasthan, commonly measured as 1936 sq yd.
  • Modern measurements often default to Acres or Square Feet.

  • Biswansi:

  • Exclusive to Rajasthan, where it is defined as 1/20 of a Biswa, offering a granular breakdown of land sizes.

Modern Transition

  • Urban Real Estate: Increasing adoption of global units like Acres, Square Feet, and Square Yards.
  • Rural Areas: Traditional units like Bigha and Biswa remain dominant for agricultural and ancestral land measurements.

Western India's rich diversity in land measurement practices highlights the need to understand local and traditional systems for seamless transactions.

Land Measurement Units in Central India

Central India, particularly Madhya Pradesh, uses traditional and modern units for land measurement. Local units like Bigha and Kattha are prevalent, alongside standard global systems like Square Yards, Acres, and Square Feet.

Key Land Measurement Units in Central India

| Units | States Used In | Conversion |
| 1 Bigha | Parts of Madhya Pradesh | 1333.33 sq yd |
| 1 Kattha | Madhya Pradesh | 600 sq ft |
| | | 1 Bigha = 20 Kathas |

Length Measurement Conversion Table

| Length in Unit | Conversion Factor |
| 1 Centimeter (cm) | 10 mm, 0.01 m |
| 1 Chain (ch) | 66 ft, 22 yd (gaj), 100 links (kadi), 4 rods |
| 1 Foot (ft) | 12 in, 30.48 cm |
| 1 Furlong | 660 ft, 220 yd, 40 rods, 10 chains |
| 1 Gaj (Yard) | 1 yd, 0.91444 m, 3 ft, 36 in |
| 1 Gattha | 5.5 hath, 2.75 yd, 8.25 ft, 99 in |
| 1 Hath | 0.5 yd, 18 in, 1.5 ft |
| 1 Inch (in) | 2.54 cm, 0.0833 ft |
| 1 Jarib (Shahjahani) | 165 ft |
| 1 Jarib (Gantari) | 132 ft |
| 1 Karam | 66 in, 5.5 ft |
| 1 Kilometer (km) | 1000 m, 3280.84 ft |
| 1 Meter (m) | 100 cm, 39.3701 in, 3.28084 ft |
| 1 Mile (mi) | 1.60934 km, 5280 ft |
| 1 Millimeter (mm) | 0.1 cm, 0.001 m |
| 1 Perch/Rod/Pole | 16.5 sq ft, 5.5 yd |
| 1 Yard (yd) | 1 Gaj, 3 ft, 36 in, 0.91444 m |

Regional Insights

  • Madhya Pradesh:
  • Bigha and Kattha are widely used in rural areas, especially for agricultural land.
  • Global Units like Square Feet and Acres are gaining popularity in urban transactions.

  • Modern Adoption:

  • For large-scale projects and real estate, conversions to globally standardized units are common to maintain uniformity.

Understanding the regional and traditional systems is essential for seamless land transactions in Central India.

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