On February 16, 2025 By pramitsingh Topic: Politics and Government, 2009, Google, Demographic dividend
Perhaps the dumbest idea of the decade. Everyone is selling you the 'Youth power' mantra, but before you pass out in the rabid nationalist delirium, time to get off the train at the halt of 'WTF'. Some 35 years back, the youth of 1970s threw out Indira Gandhi's corrupting style politics on the 'Total Revolution' call of JaiPrakash Narayan. You can say that the young leaders of that time have gone on to become power-hungry, corrupt leaders of today, but at least boss, they tried.
The shining youth power of today is sending dynasties to power. In the annual Google Zeitgeist report for India, 5 (and a half) dynasty-related politicians are on the list of 10 most searched politicians. The notes in parenthesis are mine.
1. rahul gandhi [100% dynasty]
2. indira gandhi [ditto - the mother of Dynastic Rule in India]
3. sachin pilot [100% dynasty]
4. sarah palin
5. p chidambaram
6. mayawati
7. barack obama
8. sonia gandhi [100% dynasty]
9. rajesh pilot [The late leader's name is surprising; some smart politician is sure playing hard core SEO for sure]
10. maneka gandhi [50% dynasty- 50% self -bred independent cred]
I don't expect much from a generation that votes Indira Gandhi's dictatorial, corrupting brand of rule #1 in the 'Best PM' surveys. Without being hyperbolic and all, this generation is marked for a life in subservience, mall-i-fied middle class consumerism and online frivolity.
Also read: Stop playing pied-piper to the youth of India.