On February 16, 2025 By pramitsingh Topic: Big Media doing wrong, Google
To protect its big tent, Google has its growing and frequently updated set of rules. Rule #1: thou shalt not sell links on your blog/site. But, as we have seen in the case in the case of Mahalo, Google is pretty lenient towards big websites when they flout its rules. Now, Forbes magazine is selling blog post space as a sort of 'paid press release'.
Forbes advertises its new Forbes Advoice thus:
We'll sell you a blog, and your content will live alongside that of Forbes' journalists and bloggers. This isn't the "sponsored post" of yore; rather, it is giving advocacy groups or corporations such as Ford or Pfizer the same voice and same distribution tools as Forbes staffers, not to mention the Forbes brand.
See how dangerously, the new initiative blurs the already jarred line between content and advertising in modern media brands. In India, the Times iof India has perfected this style of editorial-commercial startegy.
Via Seobook