On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable
That 'ideas are dime a dozen' is a cliché now. Then you got 'Ideas count for nothing, it is the execution that counts'. So, what do you do with your world-changing idea, in an age that everyone has ideas
I think there is only one thing you can do with your idea. Put it out before the world. It is better than letting that thing rot in obscurity. Maybe, the idea will not work out as you thought it would, in real world. But, at least you did something, right?
Ideas rot if you do not do something with them. I used to try to hoard them, but they rotted. Now I just blog them or tell people about them. Sometimes they still rot, but sometimes someone finds them useful in one way or another.
— Edd Dumbill
[From the 100 Ways To Be Being Remarkable Series, a special project that brings you business and self-development advice from The Success Manual. ]