On February 16, 2025 By tolstoy Topic: Actually Useful Technology Buyers Guide, Ebook, Kindle, Review
A Princeton Univesity Professor is not satisfied with the Kindle. Undergraduate students for a course on "Civil Society and Public Policy" are using Kindle DX, with 15 e-books for the course preloaded on the device under a pilot project where the university wants to know whether the students take less printout of reading matter than before.. After the students had been using the Kidle for some while, the professor found the Kindle did not quite suit his seminar style of teaching. He nails the Kindle problem explicitly: text is hard to mark as students are used to with normal textbooks. A quick rundown of the problems with kindle in the classroom:
1. Klndle provides only two tones, making it difficlut to highlight the text.
2. The process to underline selected passages is complicated.
3. Annotation does not equal the ease of highlight text and reading later for emphasis.
4. Small keyboard makes annotaion, note making a task.
5. There are no page numbers in Kindle texts, having been replaced by “location numbers,” , demanding another change in one's usage behavior.
6. Transferring annotations to the PC version is hard.
7. Books are being marked up by textbook publishers.
8. New pages load slowly on the new Kindle - only one page loads at a time - unlike PDF which open full on our machines.
9. Students were not satisfied with sound-reading capabilities of the Kindle.
However, the Professor reports about the delight of having all your books in one place, which you can carry with you anywhere you go.