On February 16, 2025 By newsroom Topic: Banking
Fees: Vary by bank; typically higher for international transfers.
Cash App
Instant transfers to bank accounts for a small fee.
Google Pay
Note: U.S. peer-to-peer transfers end on June 4, 2024.
Fees: 2.9% + $0.30 for credit/debit card transactions in the U.S.
Instant transfers incur a small fee.
Delivery: Often within minutes.
Western Union
Fees vary based on the country and transfer method.
Use services like Zelle, Cash App, or PayPal with instant transfer options.
How can I avoid fees?
Opt for domestic transfers using a bank account or app balance.
How do I send money online?
Selecting the right method depends on your needs, whether it's speed, cost, or global access.