10 useful acronyms that help us be creative and solve problems

On February 16, 2025 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Remarkable, Creativity, Acronyms

These useful writing acronyms are from our jumbo guide to 100+ usefulful acronyms.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Use it everywhere – problem –solving, personal analysis, marketing planning, project planning, business planning…


Identify, Define, Explore, Action, Lookback.

Process for solving problems: Identify the problem, Define it, Explore possible solutions and effects, Action the chosen solution, and Look back at the solution you brought about.

Political, Economic, Social, Technological

Some use 'Environmental' used instead of 'Economic' depending on the context.

PEST is sometimes extended to 'PESTELI' in which the headings: Ecological (or Environmental), Legislative (or Legal), and Industry Analysis are added.

Social, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological. 'SLEPT analysis' is a business review method similar to PEST or SWOT for assessing factors enabling or obstructing the business's performance, and typically its development potential.

(thus TOTBoxer and TOTBoxing)
Think Outside The Box/Thinking Outside The Box.
A TOTBoxer is a person who thinks outside the box - i.e., very creatively. TOTBoxing is thinking outside the box. Cleverer than a straightforward TOTB acronym, the expression elegantly describes a creative thinker, or the creative act.

Situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action, Control. SOSTAC is a business marketing planning system developed by writer and speaker PR Smith in the 1990s.

Creativity technique:
Modify, Magnify, Minify
Put to other use
Eliminate (Reverse, Rearrange).


A decision-making strategy created by Edward de Bono. For any problem or solution, list these:
Plus Points
Minus Points
Interesting Points

A creativity technique:
Fluency (many ideas)
Flexibility (variety of ideas)
Originality (unique ideas)
Elaboration (fully developed ideas).

A simple process for creativity:

Define problem
Open mind and apply creative techniques
Identify best solution

Note: This compilation is from The Success Manual, 600+ pages of compiled wisdom on 125 important traits, skills and activities.

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