When to ditch your financial planner: If all he does is sell various insurance schemes and home loans

On March 6, 2012 By thesuccessmanual Topic: Personal finance, Financial planners

When all your financial planner does is to sell various insurance schemes (mostly the evil ULIP types) and home loans, then you know he is more interested in making his commissions from the financial companies than in your own financial benefit - basically, when your financial planner is behaving more and more like a distributor of financial products.

From a related article about a bad financial planner:

What got the client’s goat was the following suggestion made by the planner:

  • a) Invest in a MIP (short term) for 2 years to meet your short term goal.
  • b) buy a ULIP pension plan for your DAD (Dad is 53 years old) at a premium of Rs. 2Lp.a.
  • c) buy a ULIP for yourself (for 30 years) premium of Rs. 1 L p.a
  • d) take a Home loan of Rs. 40L for buying a Rs. 50L house

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