Business Plan 3.0: Business Planning for the Layman

On May 25, 2010 By simplemba Topic: Remarkable

Seth Godin, in his own inimitable direct style, re-labels the sections of the modern business plan, and in the process making the document appear more humane and look like it was actually written for normal people.

The five re-labelled sections of Seth's Business Plan are:
1. The Truth Section: Describe the world as it is.
2. The Assertions Section: How you are going to change things.
3. The Alternatives Section: What you will do if things do not happen as you have planned to do.
4. The People Section: Who is on your tema and who you plan to get onboard.
5. The Money Section: How much do you need, how will you spend it...and so on.

So simple and straightforward. Now, time to get to the details.

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